Feature Additions 7.x Schema

The following features and capabilities were added to the 7.x schema family.

  • Partial Authorization (7.0) - adds support for Partial Authorizations. Also, the response message includes the amount approved when the Authorization is not for full amount.

  • customBilling element moved (7.0) - the <customBilling> element was moved from Capture transaction to Authorization transaction

  • Partial Authorization (7.0) - adds support for Partial Authorizations. Also, the response message includes the amount approved when the Authorization is not for full amount.

  • Worldpay Vault/Tokenization (7.1) - adds support of the tokenization of credit card account numbers and the use of tokens in all credit card transactions.

  • Enhanced Authorization Feature Set (7.2) - the optional Enhanced Authorization feature include the Prepaid Indicator and the Affluence Indicator.

  • Custom Billing URL (7.2) - optionally, a url can be submitted in the custom billing descriptor in place of city or phone.

  • Flexible Spending Account Transaction (7.3) - adds support for FSA/Healthcare cards including the breakout of types of healthcare charges.

  • Advanced AVS (7.3) - adds the capability to perform advanced AVS results (checking <phone> and <email> values) for American Express card transactions.

  • A coding change that accompanied schema version 8.7, but retroactive to V7.3, allows the checking of the name as part of Advanced AVS. While there was no associated schema change, the returned AAVS code now makes use of the first digit. Previously, the first digit was always 0, but the valid values now can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

  • Transaction Tracking elements (7.3) - adds the capability to track transactions based upon <campaign>, <affiliate>, or <merchantGroupingId>.

    The transaction tracking feature was added in October 2011 without a revision to the schema version. If you coded to V7.3 (or any 7.x version) prior to October 2011, you must modify your coding to take advantage of this feature.